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Daniel Retuerta, ‘Roque’ in ‘El Internado’, denounces insults for the series

When an actor plays a particularly recognizable role, there is often a distortion that associates the performer directly with his fictional character. Precisely for this reason it is difficult to see Daniel Radcliffe giving life to characters other than Harry Potter in the cinema or Harrison Ford playing someone other than Indiana Jones.

One of those especially popular characters in Spanish fiction was Roque, in El Internadeither. Despite the fact that Daniel Retuerta, the actor who brought him to life, had already appeared in Companions o In loving in troubled times, his role in Black Lagoon it was so dramatic that she has never been able to completely break away from it.

For all these reasons, despite the fact that thirteen years have passed since the last episode of The intership, Retuerta still continues to receive comments on his Instagram account for his performance. in the plot, Roque murders one of his schoolmates, Carol, played by one of the most popular actresses of the moment: Ana de Armas.

You have to kill someone in the series and what happens in life is that people interact with you as if it were a reality show. They write to me because they are burned with something the character does”, he explained during an interview in which he participated in the podcast Animals Humans. A “poisoning” that in his opinion has an explanation and follows a specific procedure.

You have to search in Google ‘Roque el del Internado‘. You look for Daniel Retuerta on Instagram, you find the verified one and you start insulting ”, he pointed out. “Well, I shit on your father because you killed Ana de Armas. There is one that is wonderful that tells me that I could have killed anyone, but on top of that I killed her”.

Daniel Retuerta’s response

The 34-year-old actor, who has already denounced on other occasions the confusion that viewers suffer between reality and fiction, has confessed that he has a response prepared for when an Internet user charges against him for the role of Roque. “It is a piece of news where Ana de Armas appears next to Chris Evans in which she says that she asked to be killed in the series”, has settled.

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