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Daniel Sancho bases his defense on a witness who could prove his version

Daniel Sancho bases his defense on a witness who could prove his version

Daniel Sancho has faced this Monday to an oral hearing to inform him of the charges for which the Thai Prosecutor accuses him after the murder of Edwin Arrieta. The Spanish cook, who has been charged with premeditated murder, concealment of the body and theft of the victim’s personal documentation, has admitted only one of the causes.

The one that can entail the most punishment, since there is the possibility that the prisoner will be sentenced to death, is that of the premeditated murder of the Colombian. A death of which he has claimed not to be guilty and for which he has explained that it was due to an accident. To prove it, as exclusively reported And now Sonsoleshas the testimony of a witness whose identity has not been revealed.

He is a person who for Daniel Sancho is completely key in order to demonstrate that there was no premeditation in the murder, but that it was an accident as they maintain., journalist Pepa Romero said from Thailand. The son of actor Rodolfo Sancho, on the other hand, has admitted to having dismembered part of the victim’s body.

Next steps in the case

The trial for the murder of Edwin Arrieta is scheduled to be held between the months of February and April 2024. However, before the final hearing in which the punishment that Daniel Sancho will face will be determined There will be a new session in which the Thai Prosecutor’s Office and the victim’s defense will present the sentencing requests of each party.

The biggest concern is that this key person in the process is not in Thailand and will not be able to be in Thailand there. The court has reassured him, because that day he is not going to make a statement, but rather lists of witnesses for each party will have to be presented.Romero clarified.

Before that date arrives in fourteen days, the first mission facing the accused’s legal team is to find a new public defender. As soon as he left the court, the lawyer who represented him at the hearing announced that he had stopped working for the Spaniard. Apparently, Sancho would have fired him for lack of trust.

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