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Daniel Sancho Case: Rodolfo is very tired psychologically

Daniel Sancho Case: Rodolfo is very tired psychologically

Rodolfo is very tired psychologically, he has faced a very difficult process as a father. With these words, Ramón Chippirrs, jurist, criminologist and spokesperson for the Sancho family, has explained how the actor is feeling after finishing this week the trial of his son Daniel in Thailand, where the Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution have tried to demonstrate that he is guilty with premeditation of the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta, which is punishable in the Asian country with the death penalty.

Evidently, he has done what any other father would do, which is to stand by his son, fight for his innocence because he believes in it. Daniel told us from minute one that it was a fight that ended badly and, in that sense, all of this takes its toll. On the other hand, he is also happy to have reached the end of the trial and is nervous about the sentence. Not only him, but the entire team, he continues to point out in an interview that he gave to the 20 Minutos portal.

Next August 29 is the date set by the judge for the reading at 10 in the morning (local time) of the sentence of a process that he describes as complicated. It has been very difficult from the point of view of the translations, which have failed a lot. This Thursday, in Daniel’s final argument, The official court translator did not know how to interpret very technical words and a second translator had to come and correct the first one. Even this second translator had to be corrected with a third Thai person.

Against the tide

Chippirrs also states that they feel that they have had to fight a lot from the beginning to achieve a fair process. In this case we have gone against the tide. Since we became Rodolfo’s legal representatives and spokespersons, we have defended what Daniel has told us. He told us that the victim’s death was the result of an accident due to self-defense. From there We have fought for nine months against practically everyone and because Daniel had the fairest trial he could have in Thailand. Also for eliminating the death penalty and life imprisonment.

And he criticizes the fact that it has been reported that Daniel Sancho could be receiving privileges from the Court. It is not my style to enter into any controversy, simply We will see where these accusations of favored treatment go from the Koh Samui Court towards the defenselet’s see if that is verified and we will be attentive to what happens, ditch.

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