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Daniel Sancho case: the prison director tells how his first hours have been: “They have cut his hair”

The reason why Daniel Sancho pleaded guilty to the murder of Edwin Arrieta

daniel sanchowho confessed to having murdered and dismembered the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta during a vacation in Thailand, He has already entered a local prison awaiting trial for the events that occurred before a court where will be charged with premeditated murder, punishable by death In this state.

there in jail He shares a cell with five people and they have cut his hairas the director of the Koh Samui prison told a journalist from The Summer Program traveled to Thailand to cover the news.

According to this warden, the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho was a bit nervous after he was admitted to the prison: “He has to learn what prison life is like”pointed out the director, who has also indicated that the young man He has asked that they provide him with some vitamins and medication to be calm, as well as food from abroad. In addition, he would have requested to call his family.

Likewise, the director has denied the poor conditions of the prison. He has said that it is false that they sleep on the floor because they do not have beds, and that the reality is that rest on some mats intended for that purpose.

Statement from the victim’s family

While, for his part, Edwin Arrieta’s family has issued a statement through his law firm (Miguel González Sánchez & Abogados Asociados) regarding the murder of the Colombian surgeon.

According to the text, he expresses his “total rejection of the irresponsible and fallacious statements that have been made around Edwin and his actions while alivewho today, unfortunately and tragically, is the fatal victim of the Spanish citizen Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, who has expressly accepted his responsibility for this vile act.”

Thus, they will carry out “all necessary actions in order to prosecute and sentence the confessed murderer; and that with this, the rights of the Arteaga Arrieta family are respected”.

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