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Date, cast and more: What you should know about the second season of ‘Heartstopper’ on Netflix

What happened to the first season of Heartstopper It was incredible among fans of both books and Netflix users. Playing in realistic yet sweet tones, Nick and Charlie’s love story gave audiences much-needed youth and LGBTQ+ representation.

This is where the excitement for the second season of Heartstopperwhich, according to part of the cast, will now give us a more “mature” and elevated story not only for the main protagonists, but for the rest of the characters that are part of a diverse and well told story.

And precisely, among the excitement to know what’s next, is that Netflix has revealed the premiere date for the second season, as well as a teaser showing the cast of Heartstopper telling a little about what will happen with their respective characters.

Kit Connor and Joe Locke as Nick and Charlie in ‘Heartstopper’ / Photo: Netflix

When is Heartstopper released?

The date for the arrival of the second season of Heartstopper It is scheduled for August 3, 2023. Some fans thought that it would arrive in June, right in the middle of summer, but it was revealed that it will take a couple more months to be in the Netflix original catalog.

In the teaser that came out with the date, vHere are the actors Kit Connor and Joe Locke along with the rest of the cast during a few days of recording. Each one (not all, just some), reveals how they perceived the script for this second season and what’s next for their characters like Imogen and Elle.

Who will return to Heartstopper?

Of course, Kit Connor and Joe Locke return in the characters of Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper, respectively. But they do it together with the spectacular Olivia Colman as Sarah Nelson, Nick’s mother. Another important character that we will see again is that of Mr. Ajayi, the professor at Truman Academy.

The friends of the protagonists of Heartstopper. In other words, we will see Yasmin Finney again as ElleWilliam Gao as TaoCorinna Brown as TaraKizzy Edgell como Darcy and Tobie Donovan as Isaac.

But conflicting characters such as Ben Hope, played by Sebastian Croft. Another person we will see in the second season of Hearstopper It’s Rhea Norwood as Imogen.

Elenco the ‘Heartstopper’ / Photo: Netflix

And what will we see in this second season?

The close of the first season put Nick revealing to his mother that he is bisexual and that he is in love with Charlie. In addition, it showed him ready to officially acknowledge his relationship with Charlie at school. So the second season could show us the reaction of the rest of the students to this.

Another important thing to consider is the way Charlie will navigate all of this. He’s always been very open about the mental health issues he’s been through since coming to terms with his sexual orientation… which has been complicated (especially because of the secret relationship he had with Ben).

In some photos from the filming of the second season of Heartstopper, we saw the leads in France, so Nick and Charlie’s world will expand beyond school. Here below we leave the trailer of the first season in case you have not taken a look at this great series.

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