David Copperfield accused of sexual misconduct

THE ANGELS.- The renowned American magician David Copperfield has been accused of sexual behavior inappropriate by more than a dozen women in episodes that would have taken place over several decades, according to a report in the British newspaper The Guardian published this Wednesday.

The newspaper’s investigation uncovered accusations from at least 16 women of inappropriate behavior by the illusionist, including some who claimed to be under 18 years old at the time of the events.

Three of the complainants claim that Copperfield drugged them before having sex.

The US edition of the UK-based newspaper said it had spoken to more than 100 people and examined police and court records to corroborate the story, which spanned the period from the late 1980s to 2014.

According to the report, the women met the artist through his work, which spanned decades of career.

Copperfield’s lawyers told the outlet that the illusionist denied any wrongdoing and that he had “never acted inappropriately with anyone, much less minors.”


The artist, 67, had already been accused of inappropriate behavior in 2018, when a woman named Brittney Lewis said he had drugged and sexually assaulted her three decades earlier. Copperfield denied it.

Lewis is one of 16 whistleblowers named in the Guardian report.

The newspaper added that it had spoken to another woman, who did not want to be identified, and who said that the magician had drugged her and a friend before having sexual relations with each of them.

Copperfield’s lawyers denied that particular allegation, noting that no complaint had been filed against him when the assaults allegedly occurred.

Another complainant, who is given a pseudonym in the article, claims she met the magician after one of his shows when she was just 15 years old.

Copperfield has also faced scrutiny over similar issues due to his ties to tycoon Jeffrey Epstein, convicted of sex trafficking and who died in prison in 2019.

His name was on a list of people mentioned in Epstein-related court documents that were declassified in January. This, however, does not indicate that he committed any crime.

“Our client knew nothing of Epstein’s horrific crimes,” Copperfield’s lawyers told The Guardian. “Like the rest of the world, he found out from the press.”

AFP contacted Copperfield’s legal representatives but did not receive a response.

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

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