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David de Gea and Edurne get married

David de Gea and Edurne get married

David de Gea and Edurne form one of the most established couples in the world of football. The Manchester United goalkeeper and the Madrid singer will take another step in their relationship and they will become husband and wife throughout the summer months in a link that, as AS has learned, will be held on the island of Menorca.

The specific place chosen by the two protagonists are Las Canteras de S’Hostal, an amazing outdoor space that aims to extol the natural landscapes based on stone. Labyrinths, gardens and large excavations that are located a few kilometers from Ciudadela and that are one of the most beautiful tourist enclaves on the island.

In addition to being a place where nature and tradition are breathed on all four sides, Las Canteras de S’Hostal also host large events such as weddings, photography sessions, discos and even film shoots. An entire rehabilitation carried out since 1994 by the private non-profit foundation Lithica to “prevent the disappearance of sea quarries under the rubble.”

A daughter and “twelve years of love”

The wedding will come in summer, a very favorable time of year for footballers to go down the aisle when on vacation. After twelve years togetherthe couple has taken a definitive step that they had been delaying for a long time and that, even, in the words of Edurne, “was not part of their plans.” “There is no greater marriage than having a daughter, I think more than a wedding, because that unites you for life,” he confessed in an interview in 2022.

In fact, his daughter Yanay will witness the union of her parents in Menorca. The little girl was born in 2021 after ten years of relationship, most of which were at a distance. Not even the kilometers could shake a love that has resisted two guilds as unstable professionally as music and soccer. “It’s been 12 years together and we’re still happier than ever.” The singer admitted back in January. Soon it will be time to celebrate, as Edurne says, with strawberries and champagne.

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