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Dayanara Torres confesses that her marriage to Marc Anthony did not make her happy

Dayanara Torres confesses that her marriage to Marc Anthony did not make her happy

MIAMI.- The model and actress Dayanara Torres spoke about his relationship with Marc Anthonyand explained how her innocence and youth made her think that reaching the marriage with a successful singer would make her happy, when in reality it was quite the opposite.

In an interview he gave to journalist Mandy Fridmann, from Las Top News, Torres addressed her relationship with the interpreter and noted that at that moment she felt lucky; But time made him understand that luxuries and fame do not bring happiness.

The former beauty queen and the singer married in 2000, after two years of romance.

Fridmann asked her what she thought was the moment when she felt like she had won the lottery, but later understood that it did not give her the happiness she expected. To which Dayanara considered it to be her marriage.

“I think maybe it was my marriage (to Marc Anthony). I thought that, like any girl who dreams of getting married in this way, of this magnitude, this was a dream thing, something, you know? And I had it, but At the end of the day is the most accurate way to say it: I had everything, but I was not happy, he said.

In 2003, with two children In common, Cristian and Ryan, Dayanara filed for divorce, which was finalized in 2004.


Although the dream did not end with a happy ending, Dayanara explained that the experience left her an important lesson in her life. “That lets you know that it is not waiting for a guy to arrive, (nor) a prince, (nor) the mansion and the rest.”

You are happy with yourself and I lived it that way. I can say: winning the lottery is not going to give you happiness; Being with the person you fell in love with, who you dreamed that you were going to end your whole life happily, did not give me happiness. So happiness is made by one, he asserted.

However, two decades after that separation, Torres emphasized that over the years she managed to build happiness in her own way, and of course there are important people in her life who motivate her to feel satisfied with who she is and what she has.

“I am happy every day, maybe not 24 hours a day, because there are moments in which one is human. I have been receiving hits after hits for years and I still get up, but I believe that strength and that which lifts me up and it wakes me up to continue being happy with my children, because what I want is for them (Cristian and Ryan) to see a mother who did fall and get up, he confessed.

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