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Death of Adam Rich, former child star of the series "eight is enough"

American actor Adam Rich, revealed in the late 1970s by the series eight is enoughdied on January 7 at the age of 54.

Adam Rich, child star revealed by the series TV Eight is Enough, died on January 7, according to Variety, relaying the Los Angeles County medical examiner. He was 54 years old. If viewers are most familiar with the face of the actor, a child with a bowl cut and a chubby face, it is because he was successful in the 1980s, at the age of 8.

Adam Rich thus embodied in 112 episodes, between 1977 and 1981, Nicholas Bradford, the youngest of this family of 8 children, including the series eight is enough narrates the adventures. Broadcast on ABC in the United States, the series was broadcast on TF1 in 1985, then during the Dorothee Club in the 1990s.

Adam Rich also made appearances in the cult series of the time, such as The 3 Billion Man, The Cruise has fun, The fantasy islande, Chipsas well as a series that has remained unpublished in France, entitled CodeRed.

We also met him, during an episode in Alerte à Malibu, in 1993 and in Real Comedyin 2003.

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