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Death of Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero

Known for his colorful paintings with voluptuous characters, Fernando Botero died this Friday, September 15, 2023. It was the President of the Republic of Colombia who announced the sad news on X.

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The world of culture is once again in mourning. At the beginning of September, it was the editorialist, essayist and journalist Jacques Julliard who disappeared. A committed man, figure of trade unionism and the press. A few days later, the world of literature mourned the death of the novelist Frédérique Hébrard, who left behind three children, including the director François Velle, to whom we owe the mini-series De Gaulle, the brilliance and the secretbroadcast in November 2020 on France 2. This time, another big name in international culture is disappearing.

Fernando Botero, the champion of colors and volumes

It was in fact at the beginning of the afternoon that Agence France Presse announced, Friday September 15, 2023, the death of Fernando Botero, at the age of 91. Colombian painter and sculptor from the city of Medellín, Fernando Botero is known for his works with bright colors and rounded shapes. A voluptuous style recognizable among thousands. Very early, Botero saw his first drawings published in the newspaper supplement El Colombiano from the age of 16. Influenced by the work of Mexican painter Diego Rivera, he went to study in Madrid, then settled in New York in the 1960s. It was there that his style was defined, with round and opulent characters. One of his most famous works is The President’s Family, painted in 1967, which is not devoid, like the majority of his work, of a certain sense of derision and satire. In 1973, Botero moved to Paris, before his monumental sculptures were presented during exhibition events in Florence, New York and Paris in the 1980s and 1990s.

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The President of the Colombian Republic announces the death of Fernando Botero

It was the President of the Colombian Republic, Gustavo Petro, who announced the death of Fernando Botero this Friday on X.Fernando Botero, the painter of our traditions and our faults, the painter of our virtues, is dead. The painter of our violence and peace”wrote the politician, elected head of the country in August 2022. The causes of the artist’s death have not yet been revealed.

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