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Decoration: plants in small pots are the trend this summer

If there is an accessory that has become popular in recent times at the time of decor of the house are the plants. But not just anyone or in a traditional format. The ones that are in fashion are those that are placed in small pots.

This new trend in interior design is the most adaptable for studio apartments or small apartments. In addition, they bring harmony and balance to the decor whole home.

Succulents can be especially included.

Plants are ideal for decor, since they add nature and life to the spaces. Choosing the pots in which they are going to be placed is a way of playing with the environment.

For this element of the design With relevance it is important not to be limited only to aesthetics, but also to care for nature. In that sense, it is recommended to take into account the amount of water needed so as not to exceed.

Different varieties can be included.

As advice from the gardening sector, it is suggested to have a wooden stick to water only when the substrate requires it. Another recommendation is to have a sprayer on hand to always keep the leaves fresh.

Beyond the aesthetic it will be essential to attend to the changes in temperature of the place. It will be necessary to choose those that can grow without problems in the environment where it is going to be placed with the right light and temperature.

They can decorate the kitchen or living room shelves.

daily care

In order to keep the house with the decor of plants in an impeccable way, it will be necessary to pay attention to the leaves or dry flowers that will have to be removed to help it grow better. This task must be done with scissors.

They can be located on special supports.

The substrate must be the one indicated for each variety and, above all, pay close attention to the color of the leaves, since through them it will be possible to know if it suffers from lack of water or excess. The pot must have good drainage.

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