Defense and prosecution present final arguments in Trump case

In its strategy, former President Trump’s defense sowed doubts in the jury about the solidity of the evidence presented by the prosecution.

Likewise, he attacked the credibility of Michael Cohen, former lawyer and once Trump’s confidant. Cohen pleaded guilty to federal crimes for acting as a middleman, in this case, allegedly delivering payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

Likewise, the former president’s lawyer spoke directly to the jury telling them that Cohen lied to them repeatedly, that he is a liar and that his personal and financial situation depends on this case.

As for actress Stormy Daniels, the defense pointed out that she issued two statements in 2018 denying having had a sexual encounter with Trump. They insisted that Trump was unaware of the payments made by Cohen and that he made them on his behalf to seek future favors from Trump.

In the end, the defense pointed out ten reasons why the jury should have a reasonable doubt about the entire process, including the fact that, according to the defense, no evidence has been presented that the former president intended to commit fraud. .

Inside the court were Trump’s sons, Eric, Don Jr. and daughter Tiffany, who sat right behind the former president to provide support.

This is what they expressed in one of the several breaks.

“The biggest liar is Michael Cohen, everything represents reasonable doubt, the case revolves around a man who has lied to anyone who stands in front of him,” Don Jr. said.

“I am so proud of the strongest person I have ever met in my life, for having the strength and courage to face all this fiasco, and how unpleasant it is,” said Eric.

In the afternoon it was the prosecution’s turn to present its final arguments. Prosecutors told jurors that they had heard enough testimony over the weeks to convict Trump on all 34 serious charges of falsifying business documents, charges punishable by up to four years in prison. However, it is not known whether prosecutors will seek a prison sentence if he is found guilty or if the judge will impose that sentence if requested.

Outside the court, there were several Trump supporters, as well as others against him. Including actor Robert Deniro.

“Who said that this was the opportunity to stop him, and that the real heroes are the police officers who risked lives in the January 6 riot at the Capitol,” said the actor.

“That will be decided by the judge, what I believe is indifferent, I believe that Trump is just another citizen and if he has done what he is being judged on, then he has to pay for it like everyone else, and it seems to me that it is very likely that he will, that he did it,” said Lara Altieri.

Following closing arguments from both sides, the jury will likely be instructed on its deliberations on Wednesday.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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