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Denna reveals that there were nights of passion at the Operacin Triunfo 2023 Academy

Denna reveals that there were nights of passion at the Operacin Triunfo 2023 Academy

Operacin Triunfo 2023 has come to an end on Amazon Prime Video with Naiara as the brand new winner of a check for 100,000 euros after obtaining 49% of votes by the public of the platform. Paul Thin and Ruslana came in second and third position, respectively. An edition to remember that has restored the enthusiasm for the musical format produced by Getmusic.

With the lights of the Academy already out, the six finalists return to their lives, although with endless projects ahead of them, among them, The Operacin Triunfo tour will pass through cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Murcia, Granada, Bilbao or Zaragoza, among others. In addition, the former contestants already have their singles on the market with which they will look for an opportunity to succeed in music.

Denna, the third expelled from this edition, has just presented her debut song as a soloist, 404, on the podcast La pueblo by Uri Sbat and Alejandra Castell where He took the opportunity to confess what happened inside the OT Academy during his few days in the contest.

Has there been sex inside the Academy?, Uri Sbat asks him without any type of concealment. Yes, Denna answers briefly. As expected, Alejandra Castell insisted on obtaining more information on the matter. Let’s see, wait a minute, this is a drama. I have entered that room and that room is very small, and the beds are very close together. I have never heard anything. I know there has been sex, but I have never heard anything, adds the young woman. I tell you that if you are in those bunks, above or below, and someone is above or below doing something else, she moves, the presenter replies again.

A new edition on the way

Chenoa put the final touch on this successful edition, leaving the door open for a new installment in the not too distant future: For me it has been a very special year, a fantastic personal experience and another very important thing: Long live OT! Kisses to everyone! Let’s see if we come back soon and see you here again. A wish that the platform confirms this Tuesday: Operation Triumph will return with a new edition on Prime Video after exceeding all expectations.

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