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Derbez and Odell produce comedy series about influencers

Mexico City.- Eugenio Derbez and Ben Odell are preparing a comedy series starring Paulina Gaitán and Azul Guaita.

The next production of the Mexican will be distributed by Prime Video and will bear the title of Put@s Redes Sociales, according to information from the Deadline portal.

The series will explore human relationships in the digital age, through the story of two influencers, who do everything possible to be transcendent on social networks.

The plot of Put@s Social Networks has a youtuber who makes children’s content, which is in decline, setting the goal of dethroning the most popular influencer of the moment.

The cast includes Hernán Mendoza, Jesús Zavala, Melissa Hallivis, Beng Zeng Wong “El Chino”, Hugo Catalán, Nataly Valencia, Bárbara Torres, Paola Fernández and Jorge Enrique Abello.

“Eugenio and I are always looking for new and exciting ways to bring comedy to the Spanish-speaking market and Put@s Redes Sociales is a perfect example of the type of show that excites us: unique filmmakers and a story with humor and heart,” he said. Ben Odell to Deadline.

The series will be released this 2023, after being filmed in the fall of last year on location in Mexico City.

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