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Deutschlandticket: Warning for consumers – “could fall into a trap”

The Deutschlandticket will soon be valid for public transport nationwide. But the police union and consumer advocates are now issuing warnings.

The Deutschlandticket starts on May 1st for 49 euros per month. warn now consumer advocates against a restriction of passenger rights. Marion Jungbluth, head of the mobility and travel team at the Federal Association of Consumers, told the German Press Agency: “Users of the Deutschlandticket are at risk of becoming second-class public transport customers. Passenger rights must not be restricted.”

What is it about? There is a so-called “IC oder ICE-Option“, to get to your destination. This means: Passengers with a ticket for local transport can use a long-distance train – if the local train arrives at their destination with a delay of at least 20 minutes. The required ticket for long-distance transport must first be paid for, However, it can then be refunded.

Does the Deutschlandticket cause overcrowded long-distance trains?

According to Jungbluth, the railway companies fear that the regulation should also apply to the Germany ticket: overcrowded long-distance trains. One restriction of passenger rights destroy confidence in rail transport. Jungbluth has the following concern: “Many consumers do not know this at all and could fall into the trap.”

Also read about the Deutschlandticket:

Jungbluth further explained that the merging of a Germany ticket and a long-distance train ticket would lead to the passenger rights do not apply to the entire connection. “Deutsche Bahn should enable the integration of the Germany ticket so that travelers are protected throughout the journey. That would increase customer satisfaction and make rail travel more attractive.”

Further information on the Germany ticket:

Deutschlandticket: Police union expects more crime

The police union (GdP) has completely different concerns. Alexander Poitz, deputy GdP federal chairman, fears that the introduction of the Deutschlandticket will lead to an increase in crime on buses and trains. He said the “Rheinische Post“: “Where there are more people, there is also more crime.” This will probably lead primarily to property crimes such as theft. But also property damage and bodily harm could occur more often.

Poitz demands that the Cooperation of the security services of the transport companies with the police “will be put on a stronger footing in terms of personnel”. In his opinion, Deutsche Bahn and local public transport companies have been reducing staff for many years. “This is noticeable in the security situation and also in the sense of security.”

Poitz further warned that it cannot be “that the passengers in buses and trains are left to their own devices in conflict-prone situations”. Necessary for the start of the Germany ticket “accompanying preventive measuressuch as broader anti-violence campaigns”.(dpa/AFP/dw)

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