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Deysi Araujo: “They abused me and pressured me to have an abortion, but I said no”

Deysi Araujo, a few days ago was moved by the case of Daniela Castro, the young woman who denounced in the program Magaly Medina than the footballer Renato Tapia he had not recognized his youngest son. This situation

Yes, because I remembered what I experienced when I found out I was going to be a mother and the father of my son abandoned me. She now has the opportunity to be heard, because the television cameras are there, but at that time, I had no one, I was alone here, without relatives, nothing.

No, but for the family of my son’s father and believe me, they almost convinced me, but I said ‘no’ (cries). I went through many painful and sad things to get my son forward. Now he is a university student and plays in the ‘OR’.

They raped me at 13 years old (cries) and I didn’t say anything out of fear, but I couldn’t take it and after 15 days I left that house. Walking through the streets I got here (points to his house) which used to be a little room and now, with my work, I built my house and I did it selling breakfasts in my wheelbarrow, on Las Alhucemas street, in front of the Santa Rosa market in San Juan de Lurigancho. My wheelbarrow cost me like 250 Suns. With my job I was able to buy my son’s stroller, save to study ballet at the Art Museum and also for transportation because I wanted to go on television and I would go on the bus to Barranco to see if someone would take a picture of me.

Deysi Araujo arrived in Lima when she was almost twelve years old. (Photo: GEG/ Alan Ramírez)

Yes, every day, for 5 years I was here, selling my bread with torrejita, with battered potato, with sweet potato, my maca and quinoa. I did not faint because my goal was to have a little house for my parents to live with me, since I had separated from them very young… I arrived in Lima when I was almost 12 years old to work.

Yes and I would do it again. Look, I had two paths in life, go for the good or the bad side, because I had friends who told me to go out for a drink, to party at a party, so I took the first path, because I always went straight and everything what I achieved was without messing with anyone, without hurting anyone and without taking anyone’s husband. God blesses you when you do things well.

Deysi Araujo says that she was raped at the age of 13 and at 19, the father of her son abandoned her. Video: Trome

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