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Diana Sánchez does not rule out marrying her boyfriend Dan in 2023

Diana Sánchez slipped that she would go to the married row in 2023 with her boyfriend Dan Patrick, with whom she will soon celebrate five years of sentimental relationship.

“If there will be marriage? They are going to find out because in any case we have plans to go to Peru soon, we will not go to parties, but they are going to find out a little about everything we are wanting to do. For the moment, we are very well, happy, calm and enjoying these last days of the year, which has gone by super fast. We are going to celebrate ‘New Year’ at home with my boyfriend’s family, who has a very large family, so we will have a very nice time together,” said Sánchez.

Well, we’ll see how things go and I’ll communicate it with the people who follow me or who continue to have contact with me. I hope things go well and everything turns out nice.

Thank God much better, it’s quite good. It’s been a year since he was diagnosed (with Leukemia), the treatment that he has undergone for a year has worked super well, as have the chemotherapies. The doctors have been fabulous. However, he still has a couple more years to continue with the same treatment, so we’re calm. I see Dan improving, but there are also days and moments that are more complicated. The symptoms with leukemia also affect in a different way, such as bone pain or there are days when it is complicated by hip pain, so we have to take care of it much more. Happily, Dan is fairly constant with his treatment, he exercises and continues with his active life, so that he doesn’t feel that this (illness) is going to stop him.

I’m not going this year. Since I’ve been in the United States, I try to take turns for New Year’s Eve parties. We spent a year here and another there. This 2022 we had to stay in New York. My family wanted us to go, but for different reasons we are going to stay here.

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