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Diane Leyre victim of a false rumor, she is stepping up to the plate!

This Monday, January 9, Diane Leyre pushed a rant in The Morning Without Filter on Europe 2. The former Miss France did not appreciate that a magazine titled a False information about her.

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This Monday morning, Diane Leyre took over co-hosting the show The Morning Without Filter broadcast on European 2 next to Guillaume Genton. The columnist of Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV took the opportunity to talk about a rumor that affected the former Miss France this weekend. In effect, a magazine announced on its front page that she was pregnant with twins. The media took up what a clairvoyant had predicted to Diane Leyre in a previous broadcast of the Morning Without Filter, that she was going to have children. If the young woman was first amused in Instagram story, she finally expressed her anger on the airwaves. “I’m a little angry“, she said, acknowledging, however, to take a step back from what she can read in the tabloids. “But there, finding yourself on the cover…“, she continued.

It’s a subject we don’t joke about.

The former Miss France did not stop there, explaining that she received messages following the publication of this One. “There was Prince William above and me below with the writing: ‘She is expecting twins’ (…) On the cover, I find that a bit strong, it’s a bit of a shame because even if they play (…) on the conditional, people pass in the street. It was on the newsstand posters. I received lots of messages of congratulations, it is a subject with which we do not laugh“, she estimated. She also received messages from people who asked her for an explanation after seeing this front page.

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His physique attacked since the spread of this rumor

What Diane Leyre did not appreciate at all, it is that the magazine headlines on a subject that it considers delicate. “Today, you can’t laugh at fertility (…) Tomorrow, let’s imagine, I was infertile. These are not funny things. Even if it was, people will look at me. I received messages telling me: ‘Ah, is that why you gained weight?’ I find it very unwelcome (…) I could file a complaint against the newspaper because it is a false cover, put forward. It’s really not cool (…) It’s disturbing on a subject as important as pregnancy. It’s still a big event in a life“, she reacted.

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