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Did Israel Dreyfus cry on EEG? ‘Historical Warrior’ was thrilled to be saved from elimination

israel dreyfus He lost circuit against Patricio Parodi in “Esto es guerra” and had to be eliminated as part of the reality show process, but his teammates voted for the athlete to continue competing.

was Parodi’s request.

Israel Dreyfus is eliminated from EEG

At the request of the popular ‘Duck’, the highest authority of EEG asked all the members to vote and decide if Israel would have to continue in the youth program.

To Dreyfus’ surprise, all of his peers voted for him to stay in the competition. The model was very excited and even broke, something unusual for him.

expressed Israel Dreyfus upon learning that he will not have to leave the competition.

The new 2023 season of “This is war” is called “EEG: The Chosen Ones” and has the participation of 5 teams.

Mario Irivarren, Facundo González, Paloma Fiuza, Karen Dejo, Melissa Loza, Luciana Fuster, Ducelia Echevarría, Israel Dreyfus and Patricio Parodi are the reinforcements for the teams from Tarapoto, Arequipa, Lima, Chiclayo and ‘Los Extranjeros’.

EEG: Melissa Loza suffered a panic attack in a height challenge

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