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Diego Leuco celebrated one of the greatest joys

Last night, the Martín Fierro Digital Nativo was awarded, a new award organized by Aptra to reward the best Argentine media that were born in this format. One of the main candidates was Luzu TV and, especially, “Antes que Nadie” whose host, Diego LeucoHe was very enthusiastic about his team’s victory.

The “Before Nobody” team.

The radio cycle presented by the famous won one of the main awards, the award for “Best Journalistic Program”, one of the three categories in which they were nominated. For this reason, Diego Leuco and the rest of his colleagues published their thanks on social networks, in addition to congratulating Nico Occhiato and Nati Jota, who won for their role as best male and female driver, respectively, as well as the media in general for winning the best production awards. already better radio.

Leuco with Nico Occhiato and Grego Rosello.

In recent months, it seems that Diego Leuco tries to break away from roles closer to political journalism and his new program on Luzu TV, which he runs from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on weekdays together with Candelaria Molfese, Micaela Vázquez and Martín “Trinche” Dardik, seems to be his new way of entering this other world.

For now, it is known that he resigned from Telenoche, the El Trece news program that he hosted for several years, but this It has not yet become effective and will say goodbye to the television signal screen in February.

The mishap of Leuco and Sofi at the end of the holidays

The couple had gone to the United States at the beginning of January to take a few days and be able to start the year with everything, however, when they returned they encountered a big problem.

Due to the bloody winter in the northern hemisphere, many followers were concerned about what could happen to them. However, the only thing that happened was that, when they arrived in Panama to make a stopover on their plane, they missed their flight due to delays.

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