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Disaster for Helene Fischer: pop singer is injured and cannot start the tour

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From: Lisa Klugmayer


Fans had to wait a long time, but on March 21, 2023 Helene Fischer was supposed to give her first concert on her big “Rausch” tour. But now the bad news: The Schlagerqueen is injured and has to postpone her concerts in Bremen and Cologne.

Bremen – Helene Fischer (38) has been training for this moment for months: finally being back on stage, finally going on tour again. But only a few hours before the start of the tour, the sobering news: The tour start on March 21, 2023 in Bremen and the following concerts in Cologne have to be postponed. The reason: Helene Fischer injured herself during rehearsals.

Tour start has to be postponed: Helene Fischer injured during rehearsals

“Sometimes higher powers are at work and unfortunately I have to tell you that I fractured my ribs during rehearsals,” Helene Fischer shares with her fans on Instagram. Replacement dates for Bremen and Cologne are already being sought.

“I hope you know how sorry I am, because I know how happy it is that things are finally starting and how many inconveniences a transfer entails for you,” said Helene Fischer dejectedly. “Believe me, I would have wished it differently, but I have to follow urgent medical advice.”

All information about Helene Fischer’s “Rausch” tour: that’s what hit fans can expect

Even if it starts a little later than planned: With Helene Fischer’s “Rausch” tour, 2023 is probably the most important hit event of the year. Here is an overview of all important information: All information about Helene Fischer’s “Intoxication” tour: This is what hit fans can expect.

Between disappointment and understanding: This is how Helene Fischer fans react to the cancellation of the concert

Even if their fans are disappointed and have already booked accommodation, they react with understanding. “The most important thing is that you first get completely fit again,” writes a fan under the post. “Get well soon. But it’s a pity that we can’t go there in Cologne. Hopefully the new date fits,” said another comment. “Really annoying. We were all so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Health comes first, dear Helene. Get well soon and take care of yourself!” said a third fan.

By the way: Schlagerqueen Helene Fischer has now reached a milestone with her hit “Atemlos durch die Nacht” – ten years after publication. Source used: Instagram/Helene Fischer

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