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Do the Benidorm Fest songs have to be in Spanish? Festival language requirements

Do the Benidorm Fest songs have to be in Spanish?  Festival language requirements

Since the format of preselecci de Eurovisin fell on a festival based on the Mediterranean coast, all of Spain paralyzes its ears when the Benidorm Fest to listen carefully to which of the melodies will represent Spain on the European stage. The truth is that when one does precisely that, tune your ear during this event, you realize some aspects and even allow yourself to ask yourself some questions. It seems evident that all the songs in Spain are sung in Spanish. However, Could there be some rebel who decided to travel to Sweden as a national candidate with a song in, for example, English?

The truth is that no. The bases of the Benidorm Fest They are blunt about it. In the second point of the official manifesto, whose access is possible from the RTVE website, the necessary requirements for participation are included. And within these, those are distinguished related to the artist and those that correspond to the songs that these present. It is in this last obstacle where the answer lies.

Must include lyrics (exclusively instrumental songs cannot be included), in Spanish and/or co-official languages ​​of Spainreads the text, which adds the essential factor that marks the red line: songs with some fragments in unofficial languages ​​of Spain and foreign languages ​​are also accepted, as long as such fragments do not exceed 40% of the total of the lyrics of the song.

Requirements beyond language

Not only does language mark the line to be followed by musicians to present a song to the festival. The aforementioned text points out other keys that must be met and that if not done would mean the impossibility of being able to participate in the selection of the semifinalists. The songs (both lyrics and melody) must be original and must not have been published, performed or distributed, in whole or in part, before September 1, 2023.says the first point.

Furthermore, The duration of the song presented will be a minimum of 2 minutes 30 seconds and a maximum of 3 exact minutes.. It is also emphasized that the songs and candidatures that use inappropriate or offensive languagepolitical or similar messages or gestures, or allude to brands, products, companies and/or imply any type of advertising.

The rest of the points in this field refer to the audio file format (which must be MP3 or MP4 video or Mov) and the limitations of performance, which include the number of people on stage (six maximum) and the obligatory absence of instruments. Once the list has been studied, all the representations make sense. And so, between logic and musical notesthe way opens for the Malm Arena in Sweden.

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