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Documentary The Padilla Case Screened at Miami Film Festival

Documentary The Padilla Case Screened at Miami Film Festival

MIAMI.- He Miami Dinner Festival from Miami Dade College (MDC) continues the Cuban film series -sponsored by ArtesMiami and with the support of the Heberto Padilla Foundation- with the award-winning documentary film The Padilla casewhich will be screened on May 16 at 7:00 pm at the Koubek Center, located in Little Havana.

According to the festival, at the end of the screening, director Pavel Giroud and the production company La Rodríguez will participate in a discussion moderated by Alejandro Ros, founder of the Cuban film series, film critic and journalist.

About the story projected in the documentary

The Padilla case focuses on the sadly famous mea culpa of the well-known poet Heberto Padilla, author of the book Out of the gameshortly before being released from the dungeons of the Castro State Security in 1971. The audiovisual becomes a cinematographic experience and a timely historical reflection on totalitarian repression in Cuba.

Giroud, who has a notable filmography in several genres, uses original testimonies to involve the viewer in the horror of a devastating and controversial self-incrimination, in the manner of the Stalinist trials, but before the terrified Cuban intellectuals of the time.

In this way, the Koubek Center will project this story in a free screening; however, the public must reserve entry at

MDC’s Koubek Center is located at 2705 SW 3rd St.

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