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Does Verena Kerth beat up Marc Terenzi? New explanation for black eye

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According to reports, Verena Kerth is supposed to hit her fiancé Marc Terenzi. Now the celebrity couple takes a stand on the allegations of violence.

What’s really going on with Verena Kerth (41) and Marc Terenzi (44)? Since the singer proposed to his loved one after the jungle camp, one negative headline has followed the next. On the day of departure at the end of January, the celebrity couple was spotted with scratches and band-aids on their faces – allegedly a bathroom accident was behind it. Just a few months later, the American suddenly had another black eye. The rumor mill was bubbling and it was quickly speculated that the radio presenter injured her fiancé in an argument. Finally, Verena was forced to make a statement. “I’m not responsible for Marc’s violets!” She emphasized to RTL.

However, the evidence seems to speak against the woman from Munich. Opposite of Picture-Zeitung claimed Marc’s girlfriend Mandy Johnson (38) that Verena beat the ex-Team 5ünf member. Marc already called her crying because he felt trapped in the relationship. Because of ongoing contracts, he could not simply leave Verena. In addition, a video from 2018 shows the blonde slapping Marc in the face. At that time, the stars were not yet together, but just friends.

Marc Terenzi: “Sex accident” is apparently behind the second violet

Now the scandal couple is commenting on the allegations. In the RTL interview, Marc and Verena are very happy and turtle in front of the camera, looking for physical contact. It was “total nonsense” that the musician could not get out of the relationship. “It’s ridiculous, some think I’m trapped. This is nonsense. If I want to go, then I’ll go,” Marc clarifies.

Verena admits that the allegations had her “fixated”. “I sat in my kitchen, I cried,” reveals the blonde. Again, the couple emphasizes that there are no fisticuffs in their relationship. The first injury was due to a fall in the bathroom. The ex-husband of Sarah Connor (42) justified his second violet with a spicy revelation: There was a small “sex accident”. But there are no more details. According to Marc, the couple have a “wonderful relationship.” Verena, on the other hand, is angry that the press wants to harm them with an enormous “machine of destruction”. It is “a horror” what is happening right now.

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