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Dorita Orbegoso and Jerson Reyes traveled to Cancun to receive the New Year

HELLO, MY GUESS… I’m here packed to tell you the latest Hollywood gossip… GIULIANA BARRIOS He said that his sweetheart, the goalkeeper PATRICIO ÁLVAREZ, is his ‘sugar baby’ because he gives him his credit card to go shopping. Advantage…

By the way, DORITA ORBEGOSO He is vacationing on the beaches of Cancun, where he would have traveled with the soccer player JERSON REYES. They broke the pig…

PAMELA FRANCO He pointed out that it bothers him that CHRISTIAN DOMÍNGUEZ plays sexy by dancing the “worm”, while the cumbiambero said that she gets angry about everything. I’m dying…

They say that the ‘Reality Girl’, SHIRLEY ARICA, was in a meeting with RODNEY PÍO and, apparently, they would be living a healthy relationship as parents. Excellent…

The actor MIGUEL ARCE He is more than excited about his participation in the series ‘Madre there is only one’, which is broadcast on Netflix and where he has shared roles with the Mexican LUDWIKA PALETA.

Good… The comic actress DAYANITA said that one of her projects for 2023 is music and it will surprise… Well, I’m a fugue because my sweetheart is taking bachata classes to break it on New Year’s… Suuuaaaveee.

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