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Drew Barrymore: She’s rowing back with a talk show comeback

Drew Barrymore faced a lot of criticism for continuing to produce her show despite the strike. She now wants to wait for the premiere.

Drew Barrymore, 48, rows back. The actress has now decided to pause her talk show of the same name until the current writers and actors strike in Hollywood is over. She has that in a statement on Instagram announced.

Barrymore recently faced a lot of criticism after she announced that her “Drew Barrymore Show” would be returning under strike rules. However, there were supposedly demonstrators in front of the CBS studios on the first day of production.

Drew Barrymore apologizes

In her statement, she explains that she has listened to everyone and has now decided to “suspend the premiere of the show until the strike is over.” She is speechless and wants to sincerely apologize to everyone she has hurt “and of course to our incredible team who works on the show and made it what it is today.”

Accordingly, they tried to “find the way forward”. Now she hopes for “an early solution for the entire industry,” the post ends.

After Barrymore announced her talk show comeback during the strike a few days ago, there was a lot of backlash from the striking scriptwriters. On Friday, a spokesperson for the Writers Guild of America told Variety: “Drew Barrymore should not be on the air while their writers are on strike and fighting for a fair deal.” The show’s production format, meanwhile, supported its star by not violating the rules of the strike, it was said.

Authors have been on strike since May 2023

More than 11,000 US screenwriters have been on strike since May 2, 2023, and around 16,000 actors from the acting union SAG-AFTRA joined them in mid-July. After initial negotiations between the strikers and the major studios and streaming providers at the end of August were unsuccessful, a breakthrough is now to be achieved in renewed talks. The Writers Guild of America has suggested a meeting for next week, the umbrella organization of film and television producers AMPTP announced on Thursday.

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