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DSDS juror Katja Krasavice wants to go to Playboy

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From: Matthew Kernstock


Katja Krasavice wants to be in Playboy. The DSDS juror revealed this in an interview with in 2017, which you can read here.

Leipzig – With his sexist hostilities towards DSDS candidate Jill Lange, Dieter Bohlen caused trouble in the current DSDS season. His jury colleague Katja Krasavice openly criticized the pop titan. The 68-year-old apparently wants to throw the rapper out of the show.

But the Leipzig native is quick-witted and fights against the pop titan. The internet model was already looking for the big stage in 2017 and revealed in an interview with that she would like to go to Playboy.

Katja Krasavice (right) is always very charming but never completely naked. Now she wants to undress for Playboy. © Screenshot Youtube

Here is the full length interview from 2017 with Katja Krasavice

Katja, what did you have for breakfast today?

Katya: Cock.

Do you watch your diet? How do you keep fit?

Katja: From time to time. I really like eating sushi, but it can also be a burger. I keep fit by exercising in bed.

What are you doing right now, where are you going?

Katja: I’m in the car on the way to my gig, where I’ll be performing my own song “Doggy”.

Many users want to see you naked or in an erotic strip. Could you imagine starring in a hardcore flick?

Katja: I could imagine it, but I can’t give an exact time. I get offers from my fans every day.

Would you do a Playboy shoot for a million euros?

Katja: Yes, just because I’ve always wanted to sleep with Hugh Hefner.

What projects are you currently running, what will we hear and see from you in the future?

Katja: I’m currently on a club tour. I can promise you that there will be a lot more to see from me next year.

Katja Krasavice: “Actually, I always feel like it”

What does a man or woman have to have to get your attention, what do you like?

Katja: There is nothing specific, it always depends on how much I feel like it at the moment. Actually, I always feel like it.

Do you see the game with your charms as a profession or vocation, is that you?

Katja: I love my job. My friends would even say that I’m a lot badder in person than in my videos.

When do we see you without make-up, or who?

Katja: My dogs at home.

How long do you want to stand half-naked in front of the camera?

Katja: In twenty years I see myself with a hot guy on an island and in a lot of land registers.

Katja Krasavice: These people are particularly important to her

Which people give you the greatest support in your life?

Katya: My family.

Katja, many men and women follow you. You may unintentionally be a kind of role model for young people who are just discovering themselves. What advice do you give your fans?

Katja: My motto is: Because I can do it and because I’m up for it.

Do you actually watch Netflix? Which is your favorite series?

Katja: No, there are no erotic films on Netflix.

What do you like to do when you don’t have appointments?

Katja: I like to meet up with boys in the city where I’m at the moment. I also like working with my dogs.

Katja Krasavice: This woman is my inspiration

Which people inspire you, do you have role models?

Katja: I am inspired by people who do what they want. My inspiration is Mia Khalifa.

Have you ever thought about getting involved socially and helping people? Financially or through the use of your notoriety?

Katja: I’m planning a charity event as part of my performances. You will hear more about it.

Christmas is around the corner. What was your worst gift you ever got?

Katja: No gift that comes from the heart is bad.

The first snow is already here. Do you bake cookies yourself? can you bake and cook

Katja: My mother bakes cookies. It tastes best with her! I can cook, but whether it tastes good is another question.

Enough cliche. What do you wish for 2018?


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