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DSDS juror takes a stand on Bohlen scandal

Has Dieter Bohlen overstepped the curve this time? After the controversial statements by the juror in the current DSDS issue, co-juror Katja Krasavice spoke up with a long statement. The rapper despairs of men of the 50+ generation.

He had announced that he would not allow himself to be bent in the future either. But that’s how controversial they were “Germany is looking for the superstar” Dieter Bohlen’s return to RTL may not have been painted after all. What’s new: After a saying that was often criticized as sexist before it was broadcast on TV, the successful producer gets Headwind from the ranks of the DSDS jury. Katja Krasavice even made a long statement that “Bild” published.

“I don’t want to protect Dieter, but unfortunately almost all men over 50 think what Dieter says,” comments the rapper on Bohlen’s recent statements to a young DSDS candidate. “The difference is: He says it, the others think it. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case!” Krasavice continues: “We have a lot of white old men in the industry – be it the music industry or the film industry – who still talk condescendingly about women.”

“It’s almost impossible to change men over 50”

With a view to the sexism debate, the 26-year-old is under no illusions: she believes it is “almost impossible to change men over 50, even if I fight for it every day”. It is more important “that we women, like I do every day in my music and on social media, show today’s generation that this is not okay”.

Katja Krasavice had already sided with the compromised candidate in the recorded DSDS edition. 22-year-old Jill Lange was from planks on the occasion of their participation in various dating and reality shows been confronted with the accusation: “Did you just graduate and let yourself be noodled?”

Co-juror Pietro Lombardi then asked the candidate’s friend, who was also present, how he “could handle it” that his girlfriend “had something with several men”. Katja Krasavice commented uncomprehendingly in front of the RTL camera: “Coping with it ?! As if it were something really bad.”

“We are women who are stronger, we are louder and we hide from no one”

In her “Image” statement, the musician finally writes: “A lot has been done wrong in the last 60, 70, 80 years, but thank God the new generation is growing up with the right values. We are women who are stronger, louder are, and we’re not hiding from anyone.”

RTL shows the relevant “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” episode on Wednesday 25 January at 8:15 p.m. For subscribers to the streaming portal RTL+ has been available since the weekend.

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