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DSDS scandal: RTL censors sexist slogan

Dieter Bohlen: “Did you just graduate and let yourself be noodled?”

Sure, you don’t have to like dating formats like “Are You The One” or “Ex On The Beach”. And Dieter Bohlen (“I don’t watch such junk.”) It doesn’t either. But that’s not really what DSDS is all about, especially since Bohlen’s obscenities have given the format huge trashy splashes of color over the years.

A Bohlen verbal thunderstorm was now also blooming influencer Jill Lange. She walked through the formats mentioned above and was therefore immediately recognized by juror Katja Krasavice. She is not just a self-confessed trash TV fanbut a little later also horrified by the senior juror.

The 22-year-old candidate came because: “Music is the right thing for me, that’s what my heart tells me.” But first of all it was about anything but music: when Jill was out as a dating candidate, Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi initially had many questions. Man(n) asked if Jill had “had something with several men”.Pietro interviewed Jill’s friend Lars (whom she learned to love in a dating format), who had been summoned in a hurry, how he thinks that – and earned a pithy, loving “I’m not a bit better.”

Bohlen went even further and wanted to know from the high school graduate: “Did you do something normal or did you just graduate and then let yourself be noodled through?” As a result of the streaming pre-release, even the former titanic house and yard newspaper “BILD” screamed in horror “Excuse me?” and scolded: “That was completely wrong, Dieter!”

Judge Katja Krasavice, who not only stopped Bohlen’s verbal failure on the show, but also in a detailed “BILD” statement on the general settlement with “over 50 men” caused further discussions: “We have a lot of white old men in in the industry – be it the music industry or the film industry – who still speak condescendingly of women.” With regard to the sexism debate, the 26-year-old had no illusions: she believes it is “almost impossible to change men over 50, even if I fight for it every day”.

Dieter Bohlen, meanwhile, largely exercised restraint on social media, but shared positive letters to him. For him, the matter is now settled.

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