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Duo neon light – four weeks of hits on Cape Verde

Santa Maria/Meiningen – Sun, beach – and lots of music! What sounds like vacation was work for Nadine Ellrich (24) from Meiningen and Julian Fiege (28).

The Schlager duo Neonlicht (“Electrified”) has now been a guest in Santa Maria on the Cape Verde Islands for a month.

“An exotic premiere for us,” says the Thuringian. “We were able to combine our four performances a week in the Robinson Club with a lot of free time!”

Work and vacation: Nadine Ellrich and Julian Fiege spent four weeks at the Robinson Club

Photo: Private

Highlights: “We’ve fed baby sharks in the Atlantic, swooped down a 1,000 meter zip line at 100 km/h.”

Did it spark there between the two? Nadine: “Our relationship has been even closer and closer since then.” However, they are only friends.

Nadine: “We don’t want to ruin our career through relationship stress.”

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