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Easy recipes to make nougat for Christmas

When the holidays arrive, businesses are populated with different options of nougat to put on the Christmas table, there is something for all tastes and for all budgets. But there is also a chance to make them at home and they will be cheaper and richer.

One of the options nougat that Paulina Cocina proposes is the classic peanut, very crunchy made with caramel and this dried fruit. He also proposes a chocolate delicacy, which is made with puffed rice cereal and also a very simple coconut.

The chocolate one can be done by the boys.

For him nougat peanut 250 grams of roasted peanuts and 250 grams of sugar are needed. There must be a pot where the dry caramel will be made. When it reaches a liquid point, add the toasted peanuts and stir. Then it will have to be transferred to a silicone plate. Let cool.

In the case of the pasta of coconut the necessary ingredients are 200 grams of grated coconut and 200 grams of condensed milk. The steps are simple: mix the coconut with the condensed milk in a bowl; then it should be put on plastic wrap, rolled up and put in the fridge for 24 hours.

There are many variants on the market.

If you want to make the nougat of chocolate, one of the favorites of the youngest, the following ingredients will be required: 250 grams of milk chocolate, 50 grams of butter and 75 grams of inflated rice. For this preparation, the butter will have to be melted together with the chocolate.

When this mixture is well melted, add the crispy rice and mix vigorously until everything is integrated. Then it should be transferred to a source with oil and covered with film. After a few hours in the fridge, it’s ready.

The one made from peanut butter is the favorite of Argentines.

A traditional preparation

The nougat It is one of the most traditional preparations for the holidays. Its original version consists of a sweet dough that is obtained by cooking honey to which peeled and toasted almonds are added.

Those with marzipan and coconut are the most requested.

Beyond this historical recipe, over the years other variants were added with also tasty ingredients such as chocolate, marzipan, Catalan cream, candied fruit, coconut. For the Holidays they cannot be missing at the table.

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