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El Puma addresses his experience on Top Chef VIP and the controversy with Alicia Machado

El Puma addresses his experience on Top Chef VIP and the controversy with Alicia Machado

MIAMI.- He Venezuelan singer Jos Luis Rodrguezknown as The Pumaspoke about his experience in the reality Top Chef VIPwhose participation culminated a week ago, after starring in an uncomfortable moment on screen along with her compatriot, the model and actress Alicia Machado.

In an interview on Hoy Día, Rodríguez commented that despite having been an exhausting challenge, he learned during his days on the program. “I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed it a lot, I met wonderful people.”

The interpreter of Hold hands I stressed that being in the reality It is not a simple job, since the demands of the competition are high. “(It was) Hard, 10 hours a day, but it was forbidden to complain and it was forbidden to forget, it was wonderful for me. I told the boys, look, here no one loses anything, here everything is gain,” he said.

Likewise, he highlighted that he learned to cook from the best chefs and while visiting extraordinary places.

He also recognized the effort and work of those who work in a restaurant every day.

You go to a restaurant for many years of your life, now I really know what happens in the kitchen, which is a thing of a lot of attention and vibration and shouting for a well-made and well-presented dish to come out, my dishes were ugly but tasty.

Impasse with Alicia Machado

Prior to their elimination, El Puma and Alicia Machado starred in a transcendental moment during a competition.

It all started when both stars had to compete together in a test; and not being clear about a procedure, to which the singer reacted and Machado was upset and responded: “Let’s see, Puma, we are going to start competing with you and I, so I have every right to ask whatever I want and I need you to do so in this challenge.” listen to me.”

Later, Rodríguez and Alicia had an exchange of words, at which time the actress told him bluntly that she was willing to win and that he should listen to her.

– “I want you to listen to me because I don’t want to lose,” said Alicia.

– “Are you scolding me?” El Puma asked him.

– “No, I am telling you and warning you,” Machado asserted.

– “No, no, no. Not like that Alicia. Relax,” requested El Puma.

The situation was criticized by her colleagues, the judges and public opinion, who asserted that the former beauty queen does not know how to respect the elderly. Given this, the Venezuelan artist asserted that the moment, despite being bitter, has no importance in his life.

“I have nothing to forgive, because I did not feel frustrated,” he noted. “What happened happened, the problem for the one who offends you is the other person’s, not mine. I am not in debt, but I cannot be hypocritical to encourage an approach and a hug when I don’t feel it,” added the singer of 81 years old.

José Luis Rodríguez also stated the reason why he did not respond to Machado’s attitude.

We are mirrors, if I am a mirror that reflects myself in any person and the person in me, everything you think, say and do you receive, whether bad or good. How am I going to trigger negative things if I know they suit me? to arrive? It is a law of attraction and all of that is karmic.

Finally, he thanked Telemundo for the invitation and sent a few words to his former colleagues.

I thank God, life, and Telemundo for having made me part of this beautiful thing that is gastronomy, which I was completely unaware of, and my life is going to be, of course, before and after Top Chef VIP. It is a blessing for me to have been here and share with you. I love them.

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