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El rapapolvo de Sean Penn a Will Smith

Will Smith remains under a magnifying glass. The actor, who was the absolute star of a gala at the Oscar 2022 in which cinema took on less prominence than in previous editions, slapped Chris Rock on stage after he made an unfortunate comment about Jada Pinkett Smith (Will’s wife).

That led the Film Academy to sanction him, and critics attacked the interpreter. However, all this is still not enough for Sean Penn, who has been interviewed by the prestigious magazine ‘Variety‘, and who has harshly charged against Will: “Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did and you’re still sitting there?”.

The winner of two Oscars wanted to address this issue after talking about the war in Ukraine, and also the Academy’s refusal to allow Volodimir Zelensky to appear at the 2022 Oscars: “The Oscar producer thought, ‘Oh, that’s not cheerful enough.’ Well, guess what you got instead…Will Smith!”.

Sean Penn has admitted that he has no relationship with Smith, although they have met on one occasion: “He seemed very nice when I met him. She was so damn good in ‘King Richard’…”. However, he thinks that that slap hurt himself and his people: “He spat on himself and everyone else with this fucking stupid act”.

Compare his situation to that of Will Smith

Penn, who was already sentenced to spend 60 days in jail for attacking an extra from ‘Colors’, insists: “Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did and you’re still sitting there? Why is everyone else standing around applauding his worst moment as a person?”

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