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El Trece cancels one of its historical successes

These are not easy times for anyone on television, that’s nothing new. However, for The thirteen the problems that arise are much more complex.

The air signal comes from a very hard 2022 and nothing indicates that the situation is going to improve, at least in the short term. The thirteen it does not stop giving marches and countermarches in its programming.

El Trece reforms its grid a few days after the latest changes.

As is known, days ago The thirteen He ordered a new change in both the morning and evening schedules, and apparently none of that had any effect.

As of March or April there are high chances that “Socios del Espectáculo” will recover the half hour from 12:30 to 1:00 pm, which it had lost with “El Zorro”.

The information was released publicly by the prestigious entertainment journalist Marina Calabró, on the air of the radio cycle that integrates in Mitre, under the leadership of Jorge Lanata.

In a few weeks, then, the gossip show by Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares would practically be back on its original schedule, and the mythical series of the vigilante on horseback would be archived, to perhaps return at another time of emergency channel whose destinations are directed by Adrián Suar.

The format with which Zampini would return to the small screen.

hope is renewed

Although she is not currently on screen, Carina Zampini continues to be a figure of The thirteenand apparently they have already found a format for it to be on the air again.

The actress would be in charge of “The chef’s disciple”, a cycle that, as its name indicates, will have to do with cooking, and would be on the channel in the afternoons. Neither “The Forever Strangers” with Alex Caniggia, nor “What sign are you?” with Lali González they had good effects in terms of rating numbers.

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