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El Trece’s strategy to protect “El Hotel de los Famosos”, its star program

“The Hotel of the Famous” It is the new project with which El Trece hopes to once again have an opportunity to beat Telefe in the rating, since since the Santiago Del Moro program premiered, the channel of the three spheres has not been able to exceed 4 points in the primetime.

The program hosted by Pampita and Chino Leunis will premiere on their screens next Monday, January 9 at 10:30 p.m., 15 minutes before “Big Brother” takes over Telefe’s screens. It should be noted that this was one of the last strategies that was known of “The Hotel of the Famous” to be able to collect many more viewers than the competition channel.

Pampita and Chino Leunis will once again lead this second season.

However, the second season of “The Hotel of the Famous” He has had a few difficulties that he did not deal with in the first season, because this time much more news has leaked during the course of the recordings, even long before shooting began.

It is for this reason that the channel’s board launched one of the strategies that it also applied in its first season: the final from reality it was recorded twice. That is to say, the two participants had their recording being consecrated as the winner and it will be known who was the real one when the show endsaccording to information provided by La Pavada de Diario Crónica.

Unexpected news is that Alex Caniggia, winner of the first season, will have a special participation on January 9.

The news that comes from Cañuelas

One of the changes that impressed this debut is that it was scheduled for January 15, but the channel decided to bring it forward to take advantage of the small drop that “Big Brother” has had in recent galas. So far, nothing else has come from Cañuelas related to some casualties and other new entries.

Some of the departures that most impacted were those of Charlotte Caniggia, Mimí Alvarado, Rocío Marengo and the expulsion of Juan Martino; although Yasmín Corti, Flor Ventura and Axel Neri also entered.

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