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Eleazar Gómez returns to TV after legal problem

Mexico City.- Two years after Eleazar Gómez was detained for 4 months for domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend Tefi Valenzuela, the actor announced that after processing everything he experienced, he returns to television.

“There is a proposal, more than a proposal, it is also almost a fact, that in May I will return to television, but I cannot talk exactly with what,” he told the De Primera Mano program.

For months the actor was criticized on social networks for being a toxic person, they even revived videos where he appears fighting with Danna Paola, his also ex-girlfriend. As a result of this situation, Eleazar offered a public apology to Tefi.

The famous man indicated that his stay in prison helped him grow and reconsider, and that for this reason he feels sorry for his actions.

“It has been a good time of reflection, of learning, of course, and of healing as well. I am still in therapy, but I am referring to one hundred percent personal healing,” he added.

“I think that all human beings can make mistakes; we can do good and bad things, but the important thing is to be able to learn from those mistakes. This second chance tastes glorious to me,” he commented.

So far it is unknown in which project he will participate.

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