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Elie Semoun still very affected by his breakup which dates back a year

In the columns of France SundayÉlie Semoun confided in this romantic relationship which ended badly, but which allowed him to write his first novel 59 years old.

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“Love stories end badly, in general”. For Elie Semoun, the lyrics of this song are true. Several months ago, Elie Semoun separated from his companion, twenty years younger than him. An announcement that he made official at the microphone of RFM last July: “I had a break up not long ago and I hesitated between an album and a novel“. And yes, no way for him to mope. The actor preferred to write a book inspired by this love failure. “I think the fact of having made the documentary on the Alzheimer’s disease of my father which encouraged me to seek very personal things. Also, I took advantage of this love story which ended badly, like all love stories, to go far enough“, he specifies.

With his book, Elie Semoun hoped “a reconquest

Elie Semoun therefore used his separation to write his book, but not only:I also did it for the purpose of reconquest, he admits. But unfortunately, that was also a failure. “It did not work“, regrets the star of the Ducobu. In Count up to you, published last October, it does not give itself the right role, on the contrary, it has many faults: “I did not give myself the beautiful role. She calls me selfish, the guy who doesn’t listen to her. It’s very straightforward, especially since I’m also speaking from her point of view..”

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It’s still very fresh because I got dumped a year ago

Between the breakup, the writing of the book and the publication, several months passed. Yet the pain is still there.It’s still very fresh because I got dumped a year ago, he reveals. And to add:But hey, I’m not the only one inspired by a breakup. Brel wrote: Do not leave me and she didn’t come back either“. This is also the reason why he writes: I must not be used to happiness. A remark that is quite common on the side of comedians: “When I was younger, I wrote a collection of poems called ‘jokes’. I haven’t really changed and sad clown syndrome is not a legend.

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