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Elizabeth Gutirrez tearfully confirms her break with William Levy

Elizabeth Gutirrez tearfully confirms her break with William Levy

Elizabeth Gutirrez and William Levy have decided to put an end to their love story after twenty years together and two children in common: Christopher, 18, and Kailey, 14. Currently, we are no longer together, with these words the actress confirms the breakup in an interview in the American edition from the magazine Hello! where he also assures that it was one of the hardest decisions of his life.

A relationship that has not been possible despite many attempts by both parties. It should be remembered that the now ex-couple had broken up at the end of 2022, but they had decided to join their paths again, although without success. I think that, for my part, it was never for lack of love. Simply I think I’m not the same girl he knew from twenty years ago. In other words, I think what we want at this moment is different, says Elizabeth Gutirrez about the trigger for the breakup.

Unable to hold back her tears talking about this very delicate moment for her, Elizabeth feels confident about her decision: It was based on what I know, what we both know. It wasn’t when people wanted me to make the decision or not make it. My decisions are alone. I take them, I know when and, perhaps, that’s why they see me at peace because I know I couldn’t give more. Say everything. I believe that a relationship is based on love and respect. And when one of the two fails, then that’s what we’re doing wrong.ade.

I see a woman who fights, who confronts, who is silent, who protects. a woman who loves. I also see that strong woman, that woman who loves herselfwho knows what he wants and what he doesn’t want, continues to express in the aforementioned medium.

Regarding the new life that her children also face, Elizabeth Gutirrez says that for more than a month she has been living with her daughter in an apartment while the protagonist of Café con aroma de mujer does the same with his son in the family home. My children are at peace because, obviously, William is an excellent father and they do not need their they are fine and they will be fine, he concludes.

However, the actress makes it clear that she will always feel great affection for William Levy and that he was the love of her life. That’s what I fell in love with, his smile… I always want to see him smiling. I always posted because of my relationship and I loved William (…) I will always love him, I will always wish him the best and as I have always said, whether he is with me or not, I want to see him happy, he admits in Hello!. He insists that he does not want to blame his children’s father for what happened since it is a dark story and everyone has their own version.

William Levy’s reaction

Given the media commotion over Elizabeth Gutirrez’s interview in Hello!, William Levy’s reaction has not been long in coming; that is, far from any magazine. The Cuban actor He has preferred to use his social networks to reflect how he feels after embracing the single again.

In life there are people who just don’t like to see you smile. People who at night try to destroy you by damaging your image, threaten you and sadly even try to defame you publicly. People who later in the day say they believe in God. I hope they find God in his life so he fills their hearts with love and light, he writes on Instagram, although without making any mention of the mother of his children.

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