During the PRI regime, Mexico lived under the rules and forms of an absolutist presidentialism, a kind of republican monarchy in which the tlatoani had to be the object of adoration.

It is opportune to remember this because Morena is a party made up mostly of former PRI members, some, like the current President of the Republic, came out to listen more carefully to the voice of the oppressed than to the authoritarian regime that favored abuses; others, the majority, are men and women who, for their political careers, saw a more promising future outside the PRI than within it.

This overpopulation of expriistas in Morena explains the survival of old rituals and behaviors, in ways and accommodations typical of the old regime, most notably the veneration of the tlatoani, who had the last and, generally, the only word.

Faced with a decision or indication from the Palace, there was nothing more than compliance without question; In the face of a sentence issued by the Lord of Great Power, there was only room for obedience without fuss and, of course, in the presence of or any reference to his person, only the most abject submission, the most degrading indulgence, absolute servitude was acceptable. .

Don Jesús Reyes Heroles reminded everyone, friends and adversaries, of a universal truth: that in politics form is substance. Hence, the shameful servility of his co-partisans was something more than respect for the presidential inauguration: it was surrender without conditions, renouncing all dignity, voluntary submission to the ruler, because the forms were the writing of norms, procedures and protocols that were not in the law, but that were worth as much or more than it.

In that area of ​​anti-republican courtesies, there was no real and functional division of powers. A respect was feigned that contradicted the overwhelming superiority of the Executive over the Legislative and the Judiciary. It is enough for us to recall the spectacle of every first of September, when the President of the Republic was the object of a complete veneration offered to him by deputies and senators, ministers of the Supreme Court, secretaries of State, directors of parastatals, university rectors, union leaders, chiefs military and masses of carried.

It is appropriate to remember that ominous past that refuses to go away at all. There are, of course, differences that should not be ignored, such as the current freedom of expression, an inalienable conquest that has behind many years of struggle to expand the frameworks in which the informative function and critical analysis are carried out. Yes, there is freedom of expression, but every morning we witness the onslaught of power against unsubmissive journalists, while economic resources flow generously to supporters, not to critical media.

In this context, it is ridiculous that the people of Morena disapprove in all shades of Mrs. Norma Piña, president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, that is, head of a power to which the Constitution grants the same rank as the Executive . Very dignified, the Doctor of Law remained seated on February 5, when President López Obrador entered the Teatro de la República. They reproach her for refusing to pay homage to the Executive, when that is not among her duties. If deputies and senators decided to join the tribute, this indicates that the Legislature has not been able to recover or even acquire awareness of its rank.

A manifestation of presidential contempt was to place the representatives of the Judicial and Legislative powers far from AMLO, while on the sides of the Executive were the Secretary of the Interior and the governor of Querétaro, host of the act; then, to the right and left, the Secretaries of Defense and the Navy, which perhaps expresses the current division of powers. The morenistas who demand to abide by the protocol should complain about this lack of respect.

It is advisable to see the photo that the Associated Press transmitted the day before yesterday. In it Joe Biden appears before Congress; behind him, standing and clapping, Vice President Kamala Harris, and next to her Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives, who remains seated. Division of powers, that’s what it’s called.

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