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Emily Blunt confesses that she felt like vomiting after kissing some actors

Emily Blunt confesses that she felt like vomiting after kissing some actors

All that glitters is not gold, not even when it’s worth an Oscar. When the cast of Oppenheimerthe bet with which Christopher Nolan wanted and made him conquer the sky of Los Angeles, the face of Emily Blunt It was one of the great surprises, another of the stars who came to reaffirm that the film had a luxury cast. Although she stayed at the gates of the golden statuette, the interpreter demonstrated that, once again, she is capable of demonstrating complicity with all those around her, no matter how difficult it is to embody the wife of the most famous theoretical physicist of the 20th century.

But chemistry, like gold, is not always what glitters. As Blunt said in an interview with the announcer Howard Sternwhich has been echoed Deadlinecarry out A romantic scene can be much more difficult than one thinks from the of the main obstacles being something as human as disgust.

I could have chemistry with this water bottle

It was as direct as it was explicit. Stern asked him if he had ever felt want to vomit after kissing a co-star, to which she, sincerely, answered yes: Of course… I wouldn’t call it extreme disgust, but there have been moments that I haven’t enjoyed, it’s clear. His technique so that filming does not become impossible is to focus on the good things to ignore the bad. My impression is that I have to find something I like about everyone. I have to find it, even if it’s just one thinghe confesses.

She has had to focus so many times on the virtues of her film partners that, regardless of the number of factors that pushed her to reject a love scene, you have learned to master the art of good eyes: Maybe you have a nice laugh, or you are polite when you talk to people. I mean it can be something totally random. But you need to find something you like about that person, or about that person when they’re playing their character, and lean into that..

Her more than two decades in front of a camera have polished every detail, every centimeter of doll, until the actress is able to give feeling to an inanimate object: I’ve been doing this long enough: by now, I could have chemistry with this water bottle. You know how to invoke it. But it’s easier with who you have a natural connection. So there I know that it is gold that glitters.

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