This Wednesday, thea General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) announced, via a press release made public on its official Facebook page, the launch of a competition to recruit contract agents to the grade of first degree professional worker. Indeed, the contracts of the recruited agents will be fixed-term (CDD). And this, full-time and part-time, under the title of the year 2022.

The same source indicated that the recruitment will be done on the basis of the study of the file of each candidate. It should also be noted that this recruitment campaign will benefit the directorates general of finance and equipment of 7 wilayas. Namely Algiers, Blida, Oran, Béchar, Constantine, Ouargla and Tamanrasset.

The Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) also indicated that the registration form for the competition is available on its website as well as its official pages on social networks. Therefore, the principals concerned must download this document in order to participate. Moreover, the conditions of participation have been revealed.

DGSN recruitment competition: here are the conditions of participation

As mentioned above, the files must be submitted to the regional finance and equipment directorates of the wilayas concerned. The file to be provided must include a handwritten request, a copy of the national identity card as well as the completed participation form.

Accepted candidates must complete their application file. In particular by providing:

Nationality certificate.

Birth act.

Residence card.

Medical certificates: general medicine and pulmonology.

06 pictures

Family sheet

Copy of the certificate of situation vis-à-vis the national service

Criminal record extract.

Knowing that the last deadline for filing files must not exceed 20 days from the date of the announcement of the competition. It should also be noted that there are 7 part-time positions as well as 157 full-time positions.


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