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Energy crisis: Subsidy for heating oil and pellets: How to get the money

There should also be relief for people who heat with heating oil or pellets in 2023. What you should know about the planned subsidy.

  • The federal government has decided that those who heat with heating oil and pellets can also look forward to relief
  • However, consumers must submit an application for the subsidy for heating oil and pellets
  • What the application form looks like is still unclear. Here you will find all important information

Gas customers in Germany are said to be enormous in view of the energy crisis increased prices be relieved. Among other things, a one-time payment in December and a price cap from spring 2023 are planned. And there should also be help for people who heat with oil or pellets: the federal government wants to make 1.8 billion euros available for this. On Friday, the Federal Council gave the green light for the price brakes. The year ends with good news, said Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) in the state chamber.

Read here: Gas price: Robert Habeck makes a sobering forecast for 2023

Previously, there had been a long struggle to obtain corresponding relief. Because even if the prices for heating oil and pellets have risen enormously – the rise in price has not yet been as dramatic as in the case of gas. Nevertheless, many consumers with oil or pellet heating felt disadvantaged in view of the gas relief. And there was also criticism from the opposition: Households that still heat with oil have forgotten the traffic light, said Jan-Marco Luczak, spokesman for building policy for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, to the “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (RND).

Application for subsidy for heating oil and pellets: Application form still unclear

She wants that she didn’t do exactly that federal government now apparently prove. As can be seen from a key issues paper, from which the news agency AFP quotes, among other things, there should be help of up to 2000 euros per household because of the high energy prices. Saarland Prime Minister Anke Rehlinger (SPD) explained that the relief that has now been decided will “heal an imbalance in the previous aid”. Although the price increase for oil and pellets was not as exorbitant as for gas, “it was still very painful for many”.

The federal states are to take over the payment of the money – however, it is made available by the federal government. To the Help to obtain it, you must apply for it. That’s one of the big differences compared to the relief for gas customers, which is paid out automatically. How exactly the applications will work and from when the Subsidy towards heating costs will be transferred is not yet known.

Federal government approves subsidy for heating oil, pellets and liquid gas

What is certain, however, is that they should be available for all households that heat with “non-pipelined fuels”. It refers to energy sourcesthat are not distributed via a fixed network, but are instead delivered to the end consumer by tanker truck, for example. This includes:

  • fuel oil
  • wood pellets
  • LPG

But there are also exceptions to this rule. In Germany, for example, all gaseous fuels are considered “line-bound energy sources” – even though about natural gas or hydrogen can also be transported in bottles or by truck.

Relief for heating oil and pellet customers: who receives the subsidy?

They can apply discharge all consumers between January 1st and December 1st fuel oilLPG or pellets bought. Another condition: the price must have at least doubled. To prove this, a corresponding invoice must be submitted. In addition, there should be a so-called de minimis limit: If the increase in heating costs compared to the previous year is less than 100 euros, there will be no subsidy from the state.

Of the Social association VdK welcomed the aid, with which the budgets are now to be relieved retrospectively. Now it is crucial that the help “reaches those affected in the shortest possible time,” said VdK President Verena Bentele, according to AFP. She called on the countries to regulate the payment unbureaucratically. (with afp)

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