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Ephemeris: February 9 was the day that The Beatles changed the history of music

The story of the Beatles offers a thousand twists, scenes and interesting anecdotes. However, if there is a day that marks the tour of this band it is February 9, since on a day like today that his first appearance at The Cavern Club and his debut on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Although the date is singular for this British group, it should be mentioned that it was not made up of the same people on the two occasions, in which it took place 59 years ago, the Beatles were presented in Liverpool, while the second was in the United States.

The public fell in love with them. Source: (The Cavern).

To the one that occurred at The Cavern Club, the Beatles they played on February 9, 1961 with Pete Best on drums. About it in an anthology bookPaul McCartney remembers that “The Cavern was sweaty, humid, dark, noisy and exciting”.

At said location, the band He played 292 times and was undoubtedly the emblematic site. There they even met their manager Brian Epstein, received some rejection due to the arrival of Ringo Starr and had some fights with Lennon.

The Cavern was the hot spot.

From then on, success was on their side and they toured different parts of the country and also performed repeated shows in Hamburg and traveled to Sweden for a mini tour of five cities in that country.

On their return a crowd gathered at the London airport to welcome them. It was there where they were seen by the American television presenter Ed Sullivan, who was impressed. Then he saw them in London and that was the kickoff for a major invitation.

They were young people who broke in with their style.

a unique invitation

Such was the infatuation that Ed Sullivan had with the Beatles that he decided to invite them to his show. The publication of the single “I Want to Hold Your Hand” obtained no less than 2 million copies sold.

This was their original formation.

The British arrived at this prestigious program on February 9, 1964. It is estimated that this presentation was seen by more than 73 million viewers, a record number similar to that obtained by Elvis Presley. Many still remember that important event.

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