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Ephemeris: January 24 is the World Day of African culture and people of African descent

As arranged by Unesco, every January 24th is commemorated the Day of the African culture and of Afro-descendants. The purpose of this date is to celebrate the many cultures of the African continent and their descendants.

One of the objectives of this day of African culture It is to promote and make visible the influence that the customs of this continent have had throughout the world, especially in the American continent where a large migratory mass arrived.

Many tribes keep their old customs.

The history of this date in honor of the African culture it was adopted at the 40th session of the 2019 General Conference, when January 24 was established as a World Day to pay respect to this culture.

The date is not accidental, but coincides with the Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa in 2006 signed by heads of State and Government of the African Union. holding this expression sample seeks to strengthen the role of culture in promoting peace.

Colorful dresses are typical of this continent.

Different institutions seek to ensure a respectful and responsible treatment of the media to promote visibilityrespect and integration of African and Afro-descendant culture.

In certain countries, Afro-descendants have suffered discrimination and, many times, forgotten, for which, on this day, an attempt is made to contribute to a more just and egalitarian society, which tends towards plurinationality.

Many dances are still in force today.

In Argentina, too

According to historical data, in the 1778 Census it was reflected that 46% of the Argentine population had African origin. At that time, the influence of the African culture it can be seen in daily life, language, music, ideas and even gastronomy.

Sample of African instruments in Venezuela.

Currently, it is estimated that around 2 million people of that origin live. However, official figures from the 2010 Census indicated that only 149,493 recognized themselves as Afro-descendants.

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