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ERC ultimatum to PSOE for the investiture of Salvador Illa

ERC ultimatum to PSOE for the investiture of Salvador Illa

Pre-agreement in July, or there will be no negotiation. ERC has pushed the PSOE to close a deal on the investiture of Salvador Illa. The secretary general of the Republicans, Marta Rovira, announced that, otherwise, her party will leave the negotiating table.

By the end of July we have to know if there is water in the pool. It is crucial, he said. With this, Esquerra hopes to avoid negotiations that extend beyond this month and have to be closed at the last minute. Last weekend, in statements to Naci Digital, Rovira urged Sanchez to move further in aspects such as financing from Catalonia, and asked for a high level meeting.

The financiacin singular This is the backbone of the negotiations for the separatists. A demand that has been going on for months and which is an essential condition for Esquerra, in order to facilitate the investiture of the winner of the elections of May 12. I am looking forward to explaining to Mr. Pedro Sanchez why you still have to move more around CataloniaMarta Rovira once said.

It was at the Fiscal Policy Council where Catalonia defended this proposal, with the frontal rejection of the others, especially those autonomous communities governed by the Popular Party. The Catalan Minister of Economy, Natlia Mas, again insisted on a model consisting of the Generalitat managing and collecting 100% of the taxes paid in their territory.

A proposal from Catalonia that, if it materialises, would mean its exit from the common regime, in which it is found together with the rest of the communities, except the Basque Country and Navarre, integrated into the foral regime. In exchange, the current Government offers to cede a part to the State, and another additional one destined for the inter-territorial solidarity fund.

ERC votes are necessary for Illa’s investiture

So that Salvador Illa can be invested as president, needs to add 68 votes. In addition to the 42 from his party, he must have the 20 from Esquerra and six from ComunesIf he gathers these votes, he will be elected in the first round of voting. If no candidate is elected, the Parliament will be dissolved and new elections will be called, which will be held on 13 October.

Was the Last Friday when Marta Rovira returned to Spainafter six years on the run in Switzerland. Her return will be decisive and will influence the negotiations with the PSC. Her return will help calm the waters within a party where several crises have overlapped since the electoral debacle of the 12-M and which the future leadership must decide at a Congress in November

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