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Estate of film diva Olivia de Havilland is auctioned

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Actress Olivia de Havilland holds two Oscars after the ceremony. © Uncredited/AP/dpa

The Hollywood star passed away in July 2020 at the age of 104. Her estate, including a photograph signed by Bette Davis with a letter to de Havilland, will now be auctioned.

Los Angeles – The estate of Hollywood diva Olivia de Havilland, who died in 2020, is to be auctioned later this month.

Among the pieces at the online auction are mementos and gifts from colleagues and friends such as Bette Davis, Vivien Leigh, Stanley Kramer and Errol Flynn, Bonhams auction house in Los Angeles said. Furniture, paintings and other works of art from de Havilland’s possessions are to go under the hammer at another auction in Paris in October.

Bonhams pointed to some special pieces, including a prized Art Deco wristwatch, a photograph signed by Bette Davis with a letter to de Havilland, and jewelry given to her actor James Stewart.

The Oscar winner died in July 2020 at her home in Paris at the age of 104. She was best known for her role as Melanie Hamilton in the southern epic Gone with the Wind (1939). In 1946 she won her first Oscar for the leading role in To Each His Own. Three years later she won Best Actress in William Wyler’s The Heiress.

Her mother was very sentimental and kept the many gifts from colleagues, explained de Havilland’s daughter, Gisèle Galante Chulack. She would be delighted to see her “cherished possessions” go to fans around the world. dpa

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