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with good one billion euros should according to the will of EU Commission die cybersecurity be strengthened in the EU. Specifically, the agency proposes setting up national and cross-border security centers across the EU, according to a statement published on Tuesday.

With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis Cyber ​​threats and incidents should be recognized and reported in good time.

Two thirds from EU funds

The centers are intended to form a European network, for example to better protect critical facilities such as hospitals or utility companies. “The main thing is to minimize risks and ensure the ability to act in an emergency,” said the CSU MEP Angelika Niebler.

The Commission assumes that the centers early 2024 could be operational. The costs for the measures of the so-called EU Cyber ​​Solidarity Act are 1.1 billion euros estimated. About two-thirds of this should come from EU funds. The European Parliament and the EU states still have to approve the project, so there may still be changes.

Threat of war further intensified

An increasing scope and frequency of cyber security incidents are a threat to the European internal market. “Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has further exacerbated this threat,” the commission said.

This goes hand in hand with a multitude of “state, criminal and hacktivist actors” involved in the current geopolitical tensions.


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