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EU-wide approach: Corona: Regulation on compulsory testing for people entering China

Because of the rapidly increasing corona numbers in China, Germany is now also introducing a test requirement for travelers from the People’s Republic. The EU countries had previously agreed on a joint approach.

Germany will also introduce a test requirement for travelers from China because of the corona wave there. This was announced by Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. The German entry regulation will be changed at short notice, travelers from China will need at least one rapid antigen test when traveling to Germany, said the SPD politician.

Health experts from the 27 EU countries could not agree on a mandatory test on Wednesday evening (December 4), but strongly recommended it. The experts also advise wearing a medical or FFP2 mask on board aircraft from China.

Random checks are also planned upon entry

In addition to mandatory testing, the Minister of Health announced spot checks upon entry to identify virus variants. In addition, there will be additional waste water controls for trips to China.

In addition to Germany, other countries have now announced mandatory testing. Corresponding reports came from Belgium and Sweden on Thursday. In Sweden, for example, people arriving from China should have a negative test from Saturday and initially for three weeks. In the future, travelers on direct flights to Belgium will have to show a negative test before departure. Other countries such as Italy, France or Spain had already tightened entry rules on their own in the past few days.

It was initially unclear when the new rules should apply in Germany. (dpa)

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