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Eva Luginger + Stefan Mross: Breaking taboos! Eva Luginger takes Woitschack’s place

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Will Eva Luginger and Stefan Mross be the hit’s next dream couple? The singer actually didn’t want to take the place of her predecessor Anna-Carina Woitschack, but she did so at a concert in Balingen.

Pop singer Eva Luginger, 35, actually wanted to stay “in the background” as the partner of Stefan Mross, 47. Others should not think that they are only involved in the “career”“Sundays” presenter is always together, Luginger explained to “Bild” in April 2023. Now she has broken her iron rule.

Eva Luginger breaks iron rules for Stefan Mross

For years, Stefan Mross and Anna-Carina Woitschack, 30, were considered a hit couple, wowed as a singing duo at concerts or in big Saturday evening shows like that of Florian Silbereisen, 42, until their official break-up in November 2022 after six years of relationship and two years of marriage. In the spring of this year, Eva Luginger became the new woman at the star trumpeter’s side.

The singer has a “similar career” to her predecessor, as she herself said in the “Bild” interview, and was seen in the seventh season of the RTL casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” a year before Woitschak. Appearing together with her loved one was therefore taboo for her. “I don’t want people to speculate that I’m only with Stefan because of my career,” Luginger explained her decision.

But then October 1st came. Eva Luginger suddenly appeared on the stage of the Balingen town hall as part of Stefan Mross’ “Always Schlager” tour. She performed a duet with Stefan for the first time since their relationship was confirmed, as photos available to “Bild” show. According to the newspaper, the couple looked deeply into each other’s eyes and admired each other during the performance.

Luginger’s appearance with Mross was not planned

Ex Anna-Carina Woitschack was actually supposed to take part in the tour to perform love duets with Stefan Mross. The 30-year-old was replaced by pop singer Nicki, 56, after the separation. But that evening in Balingen, Baden-Württemberg, she too was missing the reason why Eva came to the stage. Stefan Mross explained to “Bild”: Normally the Bavarian pop icon Nicki would have been on stage and sang with me. But due to a short-term illness of hers, Eva stepped in.” So it wasn’t planned, Luginer just helped out. It remains to be seen whether they will perform together more often.

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