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Every man for himself discovers an intimate relationship between Kiko Matamoros and Lydia Lozano

Every man for himself discovers an intimate relationship between Kiko Matamoros and Lydia Lozano

On November 10, the new professional adventure of the recently expelled collaborators of Slvame will premiere on Netflix. Beln Esteban, Kiko Matamoros, Kiko Hernández, Terelu Campos, María Patio, Lydia Lozano, Vctor Sandoval and Chelo Garca-Corts traveled to the United States to star from there Save yourself who can!

At one point in one of the chapters, the protagonists play a kind of Never Have I Ever on José Luis El Puma Rodríguez’s yacht and confessions begin to come out. One of them, in particular, splashed Kiko Matamoros already Lydia Lozano alluding to a brief affair that they supposedly had in the past, although the collaborator has always denied it.

“I have never felt attracted to Kiko Matamoros,” said the Caraqueo singer and actor, unleashing tension in the atmosphere. Vctor Sandoval and María Patio were the first to drink from their glass and affirm that in their case it had been like that. I wouldn’t mind fucking him, Chelo García-Corts later added.

The director, far from giving importance to the stories of the people who had felt attracted and perhaps waiting for what was to come, focused on a close-up of Lush. She was serious, wearing sunglasses and with her hand holding her chin, her face was impassive. It was at that moment when Kiko Matamoros dropped the bomb. Lydia, please, you gave me a handjob, he snapped, unleashing laughter from many of his companions. I knew you were going to say it, Belén Esteban replied, to which Matamoros insisted, highlighting the face of his partner.

The beginning of the controversy

Speculation about an alleged sexual encounter between the two Slvame talk show hosts has always been hot within the program. A few months ago, Lozano underwent a polygraph in which she revealed that she kept the relationship a secret out of respect for her husband.

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